We re-designed this website for the popular Alaska Aviation Museum in Anchorage. The client asked us for an updated, modern look for the new site. --Built with WordPress.

We re-designed this website for the popular Alaska Aviation Museum in Anchorage. The client asked us for an updated, modern look for the new site. --Built with WordPress.
We redesigned this website for the Whittier Chamber of Commerce with WordPress. We also took some of the photos on the site. See it HERE
We redesigned this popular Alaska cruise ship website from the ground up so the clients would be able to edit the website better on their own. Visit the Phillips Cruises website. –Built with the WordPress platform.
We designed this new Anchorage aviation website from the ground up. LiquidAlaska filmed and produced most of the videos and shot many of the pictures on the website. -- WordPress, MYSQL, Video, Photography We used the WooCommerce and Bookly e-commerce engines for online sales. Visit the Alaska Air Service website.
We designed the new Copper River Seafoods e-commerce website for this $100 million seafood company from the ground up. LiquidAlaska filmed and produced most of the videos and shot many of the pictures on the website. -- Big Commerce, MYSQL, Video, Photography We used the Big Commerce e-commerce engine for online sales. [...]
We re-designed this website for an aircraft repair company in Anchorage. The client asked us for an updated, modern look for the new site. -- HTML, Mysql, and CSS. LiquidAlaska shot some of the pictures on the website. Visit the Harman's Repair Station website.
We rebuilt this website for Alaska inventor Don Harman. He invented a shipping container that keeps products cold for up to 5 days without electricity. -- Wordpress and a MySQL database. We also filmed and produced the video for the site. Visit the Ted's Box website